Resources & good Reads
Staying "in-the-know" is an important part of any professional development. Here you'll find a variety of resources and articles on a variety of issues, trends and more, to keep you informed. If you have suggestions or would like to add an article for reference here, email:

Top Four Trends in Policing, 2015
Predictive Policing
Active Shooter Preparedness
American Policing in 2022
Essays on the Future of a Profession
Predictive Policing
Active Shooter Preparedness
American Policing in 2022
Essays on the Future of a Profession
Here are some of the most common sites that members of our organization use in their day-to-day operations.
Wisconsin Law Enforcement Network \\
Wilenet is operated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Calendar for law enforcement training \\ A comprehensive listing of law enforcement classes, seminars, conferences, continuing education and training events. National Executive Institute Associates \\ The NEIA is a private, non-profit, public service foundation. The NEI is a three-week executive training program offered by the FBI to the chief executive officers of the largest law enforcement organizations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. The primary purpose is to assist in the continuing education and training of these executives through an annual training conference in Sun Valley, Idaho; an annual research project; and the publication of various articles in the area of law enforcement. The NEIA Leadership Bulletin is published on this website on a regular basis. The articles may be downloaded and further disseminated without acquiring permission. Calibre Press \\ For over 25 years Calibre Press has been a leader in training, information and resources for law enforcement personnel. We are well known for our "2009 Street Survival". \\ A leading news and information source for the law enforcement community. It has very active chat board forums as well as social media contacts such as Facebook, Twitter and RSS feeds. International Association of Chiefs of Police \\ The International Association of Chiefs of Police is the world's oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police executives, with over 20,000 members in over 89 different countries. IACP's leadership consists of the operating chief executives of international, federal, state and local agencies of all sizes. They have been serving the community since 1893. Findlaw \\ A legal resource for up to date online legal information about popular legal topics. Americans for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE) Legal Center \\ Americans for Effective Law Enforcement was formed in 1966. The Law Enforcement Legal Center was begun in 1973. AELE is a research driven educational organization that produces and disseminates legal information through traditional seminars, electronic media and direct contact. DOJ's Bureau of Justice Statistics \\ The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is the United States' primary source for criminal justice statistics. The BJS mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. Police Executive Research Forum \\ PERF is a national membership organization of progressive police executives from the largest city, county and state law enforcement agencies. It is dedicated to improving policing and advancing professionalism through research and involvement in public policy debate. Incorporated in 1977, PERF's primary sources of operating revenues are government grants and contracts, and partnerships with private foundations and other organizations. Federal Bureau of Investigation \\ The very heart of FBI operations lies in our investigations — which serve, as our mission states, “to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats and to enforce the criminal laws of the United States.” FBI Agent Education icon Federal Bureau of Investigation Careers \\ The Federal Bureau of Investigations employs more than 13,500 Special Agents throughout its five major divisions of Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Criminal and Cyber. It requires special physical and mental talents to serve. Find out if it's for you. Wisconsin Chapter of the Int'l Assoc. of Arson Investigators \\ Wisconsin Chapter 25 IAAI is dedicated to improving fire investigation in the State of Wisconsin by providing instruction to our membership and communicating to all organizations that are involved in the fire/ arson investigation field. |